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April, sunshine with a chance of sleet and snow

 Well it was all change with the weather after the lovely sunny Easter weekend, it turned bloomin freezing!  We had sleet and some snow one day, enough to cover the grass and cold enough so that it stayed most of the day.  Although yesterday started off bright and sunny by afternoon it had yet again turned to sleet and then rain, ditto this afternoon. 

I did manage to get out for a walk around Haden Hill park yesterday though before the weather turned, there are some more little paths to explore now that the ground has dried up.  

Just look at all the wild garlic.  I shall have to remember to go back and see it in flower.

I also saw a Treecreeper bird,  unfortunately I only had my phone with me to take a photo and I couldn't get close enough, I stood and watched him for ages though and if anyone noticed me standing staring up at a tree they must have thought I was out on day release, lol.

Everything's looking a lot greener since the last time I went for a walk here, It's surprising how much better a walk around green space makes you feel isn't it.

I'm still not feeling inclined to stitch at the moment, I did start another PS Santa but found myself getting irritated with it, so that was abandoned in favour of knitting on my jumper.  I've been watching Keeping Faith on catch-up recently and knitting round and round is perfect tv knitting.  I am almost at the point where I start the bottom ribbing, just got to double check how long I want it to be.

I haven't tried it on yet but I think it will fit, I don't like snug fitting jumpers or tops so I'm hoping there will be a bit of room in it.

I've really struggled again this week.  On Easter Sunday I woke up to the room spinning and feeling nauseous, this happened a couple of times, I got up but ended up going back to bed for a while.  It passed but happened again on Monday.  I've had a tension migraine and not felt good all week.  After a visit to the doctor she told me that the vertigo I experienced was most likely a side effect of the covid vaccine I'd had the week before.  I had really struggled with the decision to have the vaccine and in the end bowed to pressure, now I wish I'd just followed my instinct.  I won't be having the second one.  I said this to my doctor and she said that quite a few people that she'd seen had said that they wouldn't be having the second one either.  I feel better now that I've made that decision, I just wish that I'd not been swayed in the first place.  


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