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Life On The Veg

After much discussion and procrastination we decided to start getting a veg box delivery. Ours arrives on a Thursday, which is ideal for me, ordering is easy and delivery is very simple as we have an outdoor store so I don't even have to be in when it arrives.

Here's what we got in our medium box (enough for 2-3 people) and what I made with it.

I'd already used one large carrot and an onion when I took this picture. The box contained 1kg potatoes (in the brown bag), oakleaf lettuce, 2 red peppers, 2 courgettes, carrots, onions, 2 sweet potatoes and purple sprouting broccoli.

First up I used a sweet potato, a carrot and an onion to make soup.

That evening I made risotto, something I hadn't made for many years. From the box I just used half an onion and half the purple sprouting broccoli. I adapted this Tesco recipe stirring some pesto through at the end instead of cheese.

On Friday we ate some leftover shepherdess pie, so didn't use anything from the box. Saturday we had a domestic bliss day, Dan made loads of dough and so we made pizza, topped with some onion, red pepper and courgette. 

Some nice houmous and lettuce pitta for lunch.

We were out at the football on Sunday so I didn't cook we ate the rest of the soup and leftover pizza. As the weather was rubbishy at the start of the week I used the potatoes and carrots to make good old hash, there was enough for two nights, we also finished the psb. 

On Wednesday we had our regular fried rice with onion, pepper and courgette. 

Thursday rolls round again and we still have an onion, half a pepper, half a courgette and a sweet potato. We're going to stick with the medium box for the next few weeks then will drop to the small box if we find we're not getting through everything. 

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