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A little slice of heaven – aaahhhhh :)

Written on July 6, 2007:

I, Natasha, am writing this from our timeshare which is a one bedroom apartment with a terrace and a view of the ocean from our front door. We just finished a wonderful supper of pizza and Dave is filling out some U of A form (see, we're not really on vacation!) so I'm writing about today.
We woke up at Pensione Cassandra in Buzanada and through miscommunication realized that we needed to leave immediately, as opposed to at 2:00, as I thought I had arranged last night. I guess my “Spanish” didn't get us as far as I hoped :) But no worries, we'd already showered and packed up so all we had to do was lug all our stuff with us until we found a supermarket, where we could purchase some breakfast/lunch type food, and get a taxi to take us to the timeshare.
Dave made the ultimate sacrifice and ate the smallest breakfast ever, for him – we shared a small loaf of bread, plain, and drank some orange juice. We also bought some yogurt but we had no spoons so the eating of it was much hindered.
After about an hour, we eventually got to a place where we were told we could hail a taxi, only to discover that the next bus was 1) coming in fifteen minutes and 2) heading to exactly where we needed to go. And it was cheaper than a taxi. So we jumped on the bus. With one transfer, and thanks to a Irish or possibly Scottish expatriate, we got off the bus and headed left, hopefully in the direction of our timeshare. Fortunately we spotted a major hotel which the timeshare used as a landmark on their directions, and after heading up some stairs, down some other stairs, across a street and back again, we found out we were on the same street as the timeshare. Yay us!
Check in at the timeshare was fairly smooth. We got to our apartment and crashed. It is a wonderful place to be for the next week. We are both quite happy. We took Dave's laptop to the reception area, connected to the free wireless (and Dave wondered why I was so insistent about bringing the laptop!) and wrote some blog entries, found out how we can do laundry tomorrow (also free), did some shopping for meals at the timeshare supermarket (especially breakfast for Dave), and got some take away (sorry – we've been in England for too long!) pizza for supper.
Tomorrow we will post this to our blog but for now the balcony door is open, the noise of the restaurant below is coming through the windows and I have an excellent book to finish reading, The Charmed Sphere by Catherine Asaro. My friend, Alissa, gave it to me a few years ago and I am just now getting around to reading it. I'm over halfway through and, for all you fantasy buffs out there, I highly recommend it.
So that's it for tonight from Club Med Sunterra – yes, that's the timeshare. A Club Med. Who'da thought we'd be at a Club Med??? Tomorrow the plan is to hang out by the pool and relax. Maybe the next day we'll head to the ocean which isn't far but we've declared tomorrow to be a lazy day!

Until then,

*To see pictures of Day 6, go here.
*To read about Day 7, go here.

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