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The Torn by Spinespur original figures

Edit: I have learned from Spinespur that these figs are
discontinued due to how thin they came out. The figures
listed on their site, shown on webstores and Vampifans blog
are the ones that are available now. So to see what you can
actually buy please check out these sites. IN essence what
you see here is a limited run. Some may be available
somewhere but that is something you will have to find out
if you want these three. My apologies for not noticing.
Some creatures from Spinespur that make nice half
skinned nude zombies. Bloody and horrifying they make
a nice addition to my collection. Nice sculpts that are fun
to paint. I used alot of drybrushing and washes. I started
out with watered down elf flesh, then a red wash, followed
by blue and black washes. I dryvrushed them witha light
gray and then white. Afterwards I added really bloody
spots, highlighted their guts and painted the eyes white.

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