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Fansproject [Causality] CA-09 Car Crash - Pictorial Review

In Transformers, there's always a pair, their arch nemesis, mortal enemy. You got Optimus Prime and Megatron, Metroplex and Trypticon, Soundwave and Blaster, so on and so forth. Autobots has always been the king of the road, having advantage of ground attack and defend against the force of Decepticons. When their scheme to steal a super fuel was rundown by the Autobots, Megatron opt to break this power gap and to take control of the ground from the Autobots, giving birth to the Stunticons

The Stunticons was created with 5 stolen earth vehicles, performed extremely well neutralizing Autobots ground advantage. Moving forward, as a countermeasure, Aerialbots were born

Rumble : Incredible, not even the Autobots can do that kind of stunt driving!
Megatron : Stunt driving? Yesss. Behold, the Stunticons!
Pic Credit : Web

After a long rest from their combiner release, Fansproject continue with the release of Not-Stunticons. Take note this figure was lent to me by a dear friend as I skipped the Fansproject-Scale combiners

Paranoid, the one word to describe Stunticons Breakdown, with the constant agitation that 'everyone' and 'everything' is watching him. However, on road, he should not be undermined, a worthy foe indeed

In Package

In Package - Front View

Continuing their Causality line (after the Armored Batallion CA 06 - CA 08), Car Crash packaging retain the same theme as his predecessor.

In Package - Rear View

Full view of Car Crash, from the alt mode to robot mode. However, combine mode (as leg) wasn't included but this might be because he needs the extra parts from Not-Motormaster.

Out of Package

Car Crash comes with an instruction manual, a biocard and a small gun.

Alt Mode

Car Crash alt mode is really compact and solid. However, it's really small, kind of reminded me of Revenge of the Fallen Breakdown.

I'm not really familiar with the car design but personally, I think detail is just right. Paint and finishing are neatly done with small to zero smudge.

Back view

The figure doesn't come with combining port unlike Fansproject's Crossfire figures.

The underside of the car is considerably concealed. My mistake would be not turning the head to the back. My bad~

Size Comparison

By standard, United Stepper (Reveal the Shield Jazz mold) is considerably small due to the model of the car. Car crash is a tad bit smaller than he is which means the Not-Stunticons teams take the smaller scale of ground vehicle as in Reveal the Shield Laser Prime as opposed to Classics Optimus Pime

Robot Mode

One thing comes to mind when I first see him, he does have the standard Neo-G1/Classics design on him, reminded me much of Universe 2.0.

His head sculpt follows more the newer design of Breakdown. But, as Fansproject's previous release, no light piping

Side View

Articulation wise, Car Crash has ability to do wide range of poses.

Car Crash has ball joint on the head, waist swivel, double jointed shoulders, swivel joints on the arm, swivel jointed wrist, ball joint legs, swivel joints on the thigh and ankle tilts

Size comparison

Robot mode, he's obviously small compared to normal deluxes, especially when Astrotrain is not a tall deluxe to begin with

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