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White Therapy

Once a week I get to drop everything I'm doing and focus on white therapy. I get to think really hard about putting some things together that make me really, really, happy. It's a regular appointment I've set for myself that I really hate to miss. 

One of the nice things about a blog is the regular exercise of something you love that makes you feel good.  And then you get to share it all with somebody who is actually interested!

So today I'm feeling all white and wonderful. Like I'm eating a big piece of my favorite layer cake. Which happens to be. . . . white cake with white frosting. Go figure!  

The rusty wire tray and white flower pot are recent flea market finds. Pillows, Pottery Barn. 

 January 2011 Britsh Edition of Country Living.

I like this type of chippy vintage plant stand for candles, displays, or seasonal decorations. Never plants. (At least so far.)

My prized vintage Heywood-Wakefield wicker.


A large vintage damask towel makes a nice tea cloth. But I can never figure out the monograms. Seriously which letter is this?

Ahhh! That feels better!
Now I'm off to find more white therapy at Faded Charm.
Maybe I'll bump into you there!


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