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When is it going to stop raining...

I try to get to Sand Bay before work at least once a week in the winter, but this week it's just rained and rained and rained. Not good for birding and I'm going stir crazy. Even if we had some wind with this rain it'd be exciting, but no, wet, dark, mild and not a breath of wind. Miserable.

On the bright side though, a female Sparrowhawk flew over the car on the way in to work, maintaining the wildlife on the move theme. Which I think gets me to about 72 species this year. However as the list is in Dorset, can't confirm this until tonight.

Finally, just because it's Friday and I should do some work, I thought you'd like this photo, of my father, taken about 3 years ago. We were having coffee in the garden and a racing pigeon landed on him. Stayed for half an hour, we fed and watered it and it left. Birding on the move?

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