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Right Here, Right Now

What I'm wearing... navy leggings, long sleeved navy tee, charcoal grey hoodie, slippers

What I'm reading... magazines. I never made it to the library last week to return Origin and pick up the new book club book. Hopefully, this week I'll get there because Origin is waaaaay overdue!

What's happening in my kitchen... our water pipes were frozen this morning, so while hubby was outside dealing with that, I made apple walnut muffins, so he could have one with a cup of hot coffee when he was done. We had a big tossed salad for lunch and tonight hubby is making a new recipe that he found in one of my magazines. It's a chili cornbread casserole. Sounds delicious and I can't wait to try it.

What's outside my window... it is bitter cold out, it was one degree when I got up at six o'clock this morning. The birds have been hanging around the bird feeder on the front porch. The feeder in the back is down. It was in pretty rough shape so hubby is going to try and rebuild it.

What I'm thankful for... heat!  We have a furnace, but we heat mainly with wood in our woodstove. I love the coziness of the wood fire. We have a glass front on our stove so we can see the fire.

What I'm smelling... hubby has started dinner. Nothing like the smell of onions and chili spices to make a girl hungry!

What I'm hearing... the Philadelphia Eagles, New Orleans Saints football game is just starting. Our daughter and her husband are Eagles fans. The rest of the family's teams are out of the running now (Giants, Cowboys and Bears) so ... Go Eagles! I can hear hubby in the kitchen, chopping veggies for his chili. I can hear the wood crackling in the woodstove and of course, the every present fan is humming along!

What I'm crafting... I am still working on my shawl. It's close to being finished though. I need to get started on my granddaughter's birthday quillow, her birthday is in early February.

What's  on my mind... wondering what I'm going to do with all my extra time now that I don't have to go to rehab three times a week.  I'm also planning how to organize my craft room. I binge watched all the Marie Kondo Tidying Up shows this weekend.  Have you seen the show?  She's pretty inspiring!

Words live by...
This reminds me of the huge squirrel who visits our front porch and scoops up the dropped bird food from the top of our woodpile. Sometimes, he sits on top and looks in the living room window .

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Thanks for dropping by...

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